SunRav WEB Class :: Report parameters

Report parameters

  • Group – user group, for which the report will be created.
  • Test – test, for which the report will be created.
  • Testing period – if this checkbox is marked, only results of tests performed during the specified period of time (specified after the checkbox) will be made into the report. For more information about the date formats you can use, visit:
  • Score – if this checkbox is marked, only results, which have the score in the range specified after the checkbox, will be made into the report.
  • Display last result – If this checkbox is marked, only the last results of each user for the specified test will be made into the report.
  • Display report only – if this checkbox is marked, only the report itself, without the heading (report parameters) will be displayed.
  • Generate CSV file – if this checkbox is marked, the CSV file of the report will be generated.
    The CSV-file contains values formatted as a table and ordered in such a way that each subsequent value starts with a comma and each new row (test result) starts with a new line. CSV files can be read using MS Excel.